Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

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BVM(USN) Shishuvatika takes immense pride in nurturing the intellectual, artistic, and personal growth of the tiny tots.The Primary Students' Class Presentation  SPECTRUM-LET'S SHINE TOGETHER was a testament of commitment towards holistic development. 
All the students geared up for an unforgettable eve of creativity, learning, and fun.The event commenced with Deep prajawalan & prayer. Mrs Anita Marwaha (Incharge- Shishuvatika) welcomed the august gathering. Tiny tots of Pre Nur A presented a mesmerizing 'Welcome song' .Buddings Yogis of Nur A enthralled everyone with their 'Yoga Rhyme'. Avish's (Nur A) mother shared her views on transformation of the children witnessed in school activities. Little munchkins of KG C presented the Ramayana Chaupai Gaayan. Enthusiastic Shishu Vatikans spread the message to' Save Environment' through a small enactment. ISRO rhyme by KG D served as a catalyst for all to explore more about science and technology. Powerful presentation 'Chand pe Tiranga' by PreNur B captivated spectators' attention. Exuberant Punjabi Folk dance performance by NUR B enchanted the audience with immense zeal. The event culminated with Vande Mataram. Principal Mrs.Ranju Mangal acknowledged the relentless endeavors of teachers, students & parents for  making this event magnificient.