Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

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Bvmites of BVM (USN) exhibit their entrepreneurial Skills :
An initiative of art integrated learning

Bvmites of BVM USN (Classes IX to Xll) showcased their entrepreneurial skills in a spectacular manner by creating and selling hand-made materials. 

The entrepreneurial spirit was fervently alive as these talented bvmites unveiled an impressive array of products, reflecting their creativity and craftsmanship. From handcrafted jewellery to beautifully woven textiles and intricately designed pottery, these talented students  left no stone unturned in displaying their skills.

Visitors to the event were amazed at the level of skill and innovation displayed by these young entrepreneurs.Their enthusiasm was truly commendable, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.

This entrepreneurial initiative by these students is a testament to their ability to turn their passion into a profitable venture. It is a remarkable feat for individuals of their age group and highlights their potential to become future leaders in the world of business.
This initiative is a marvelous example of how young minds can make a significant impact on society through their innovative ideas and talent.