Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

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BVM (USN) Organizes Seminar on Mental Health
In pursuit of enhancing life skills and well-being, BVM (USN)  organized a seminar on Welfare of Human life & Care of Mental Health today. The event was graced by Sh. PC Goyal ji (Secretary BVM Trust) & Sh D D Sharma ji (Member BVM Trust) .The seminar featured Dr. B. P. Mishra, eminent Clinical Psychologist from Dayanand Medical Hospital, Ludhiana, who emphasized the importance of the four pillars of health: physical, mental, spiritual, and social. Dr. Mishra empowered attendees to become change agents by focusing on these pillars.
The primary objective of the seminar was to equip and empower mentors to foster a participatory climate for behavioral change and adaptation among students. It aimed to create an inclusive environment that supports the psycho-social well-being and development of life skills in children and adolescents. Sh PC Goyal ji thanked the resousce person Dr. BP Mishra for providing valuable information on mental health. Principal , Mrs Seema Gupta assured that it will definitely enable teachers to understand the tools and strategies needed to identify mental health issues and implement appropriate support strategies for themselves and their students.