Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

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With a mission  to inspire and equip the next generation of environmental stewards , 
BVM (USN) observed World Environment Day with immense zeal . The theme for 2024 World Environment Day is - ' Land restoration,desertification and drought resilience . It's tied in with bringing back healthy land, keeping desserts from developing, and managing water shortages. Trees, healthy soil, and clean water are imperative for a solid planet.
Mrs. Navneet (PRT) highlighted the importance of protecting the environment and raised awareness about caring for the ecosystem, by taking supportive actions.The vital aim was to spread awareness to safeguard the environment so that the world will get a chance to revive. 
Principal Mrs Seema Gupta urged everyone to keep the surroundings clean and green as there is a dire need to protect and revive our ecosystem.