Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

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To raise awareness about the harmful effects of plastic on the environment and to promote sustainable alternatives , BVM USN celebrated the international plastic free day today. Mansha (X) delivered an inspiring keynote speech emphasizing the significance of the day by  highlighting the urgent need to reduce plastic use and encouraging everyone to adopt eco-friendly practices. She laid stress on the importance of small, consistent efforts in making a big impact on environment. Ridhima(IV) recited a poignant poem capturing the essence of global fight against plastic pollution. Bvmites(VII) showcased their creativity and commitment to the cause by creating impactful slogans. Vice Principal Jyoti Garg in her message stated, "Each one of us must exercise the power to bring about change by saying no to plastic use and take a prompt step towards a cleaner and greener planet."