Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

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BVM (USN) Organizes Comprehensive Career Counseling Session for Students
Aiming to provide students with vital guidance and resources to make informed decisions about their future careers, BVM (USN) organized an interactive career counseling session - ' Eccentric Careers of the Future' today. Students participated enthusiastically in this initiative, which is part of the school’s ongoing commitment to support the holistic development of its students. Resource person Mr. Sumit Wason , a certified career coach and educationalist, shared significant information through his visionary expertise. Students were also introduced to new courses from various top-notch universities, opening new avenues to explore and consider as they plan their futures. Principal, Mrs Seema Gupta thanked the speaker for his valuable insights and encouraged students to make informed decisions that align with their passions and strengths. At the end of the session, a plant sapling was presented to Mr. Wason as a token of gratitude from the school community.