"A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work."
A proud and elated moment for Bhartiya Vidya Mandir, Udham Singh Nagar, as Yuvraj Jethi, a dedicated student of Class XI earned the exceptional distinction of being selected to represent the Indian team in the prestigious Cadet & Junior (Boys & Girls) and Veterans Men's World Kurash Championships to be held in Mongolia from December 2nd to 8th, 2024. This major international event will witness fierce competition among talented athletes from across the globe , vying for top honors in the dynamic sport of Kurash.
Yuvraj's selection is a testament to his hard work, outstanding skills, and unwavering commitment to the sport. With dedication, sportsmanship and determination, Kurash practitioner is poised to make a mark in the global arena and bring glory to the nation.
Principal Mrs Seema Gupta congratulated Yuvraj and his mentor Mrs Deepika & the Sports Department for this outstanding achievement. She added that the entire BVM family takes immense pride in his accomplishment and extends best wishes for his success at International level .