The talented NCC cadets, Mannat Sonkar and Ritika (Class IX) of BVM (USN), brought immense pride to their institution with their outstanding performance in the NCC Inter-Group Cultural Competition held at NCC Academy, Ropar, from 2nd to 11th November 2024.
Their remarkable achievements are a reflection of their dedication, discipline and unwavering commitment to excellence. The cadets showcased exemplary skills and leadership, reaffirming the school’s emphasis on fostering holistic development among its students. Principal Mrs Seema Gupta expressed her pride in the cadets’ accomplishments, stating, “This achievement is a testament to their hard work and determination. Mannat and Ritika have set a stellar example for budding NCC cadets and continue to inspire their peers.”
The school community celebrates this significant achievement, which stands as a beacon of the values and ethos BVM strives to instill in its students.