Bhartiya Vidya Mandir, Udham Singh Nagar, celebrated National Mathematics Day with enthusiasm and creativity, inspiring students to develop a deeper appreciation for the subject. The event marked the birth anniversary of the legendary Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, featuring a variety of engaging activities to ignite students’ passion for Mathematics.The day began with an insightful session by Mrs Nishu Marwaha (PRT), who shared inspiring anecdotes from the life of Srinivasa Ramanujan, highlighting his contributions to the field of mathematics. Students from various grades participated in innovative activities that combined learning with fun.
Class VI students enthusiastically showcased their knowledge and problem-solving skills in the Rangometry activity. Class VII students displayed their analytical abilities in a creative game of Logical Snakes and Ladders.Class VIII students demonstrated their fine motor and cognitive skills through Mathletics. Principal Mrs Seema Gupta addressed the students, emphasizing the importance of Mathematics in everyday life and its vast career opportunities. She remarked, “National Mathematics Day is not just a celebration of Ramanujan’s remarkable legacy but also an opportunity to foster curiosity, logical thinking, and analytical skills among students.” The celebration successfully honored the genius of Ramanujan while encouraging students to explore and embrace the beauty of Mathematics.