Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

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​BVM, USN observes Reading Month « 27/Jun/2021

​BVM, USN observes Reading Month
 ‘If you read you can lead, if you learn you can earn’. 

To propagate and  promote the culture of reading among students BVM, USN kicked off the initiative to celebrate 'Reading Month' on19th June. In the second week of month long celebration, an amulet of  variant virtual activities were organized for the 'Rhetoric Club members' of  Primary classes.  The cutie pies of class I, zealously participated in 'Phonic Sounds recital' where they decoded  letters into their respective sounds with great fun. 'Spell bee' and 'Picture Reading' activities were scheduled for avid readers of class III and IV to stimulate imagination and to foster their artistic expression. 'Reverse reading' activity was conducted for class V which led students to actively decipher the text. Mrs Sumita (PRT) conducted a webinar for the students of class II and their parents, appraising them with reading techniques in various genres. Principal Mrs Ranju Mangal appreciated the endeavours of young readers and their mentors, saying that habit of reading, broadens one's outlook and it is the ultimate possession which should be handed over to the young generation.